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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM Repeat  ABC  October 30, 2012 1:05am-1:40am PDT

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>> jimmy: we're back. kevin james and bas rutten, stars of "here comes the boom." which is in theaters on friday.
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we just did a very, i think, educational segment that -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: it really will help people out. >> it shows you the ins and outs of being on the street. what can happen. >> jimmy: and you taught this to kevin. that is really -- >> lethal weapon right here. always in stealth mode. >> jimmy: where are you from, bas? >> originally from holland. >> jimmy: from holland, huh? that's something else. i wouldn't have imagined a man of your violence and caliber being from a gentle windmill-like country. >> well, that's what they think. there's also heineken. >> jimmy: right. so, tell us about this movie. i've seen the movie, but tell the folks in the audience. >> i play, kind of like a lackluster biology teacher who gets inspired because they're going -- suffering cuts in the school and losing the music program, which is taught by henry winkler -- the awesome henry winkler. >> jimmy: the fonz. >> the fonz. [ cheers and applause ] >> the greatest -- nicest man alive.
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>> jimmy: definitely. and the fonz. >> that's all you have to say. you carry that with you. i try to find different jobs to support it and keep the music program going and i end up getting into mixed martial arts, realizing that if i lose, i can just lose and make some money. all i have to do is just lose. fy keep doing that, i can make enough money to save the music program. >> jimmy: and you brought a clip along with you tonight. >> yeah, i didn't. i was rushing out of the house and one of my kids -- >> jimmy: it's okay. >> had a blowout. >> jimmy: it's not a big deal. i mean -- >> no, but i tell you what i did. i feel bad about not having the clip with me. i got something better for you guys, because you guys deserve it. so -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. >> we're going to perform the scene for you live. >> jimmy: oh. okay. [ cheers and applause ] all right. i like that idea. >> so, let me just set it up for you. in this scene, i actually just win my first mma fight, but
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after i got -- i actually got nervous and i threw up applesauce on my opponent. >> jimmy: right. >> so, now we're celebrating driving on the way home, it's bas, myself and the great henry winkler in the scene. >> we're going to need henry, right -- >> jimmy: you're in a vehicle for this. >> we're in a car. can you get a chair -- >> we don't have -- >> jimmy: i will be happy to be henry. >> can you actually -- >> you would suck as henry. hey, guillermo, can you be henry winkler for us in this scene? >> guillermo: oh, okay. [ cheers and applause ] >> do you have a script? >> jimmy: who am i going to be? >> you're going to be stage direction. >> jimmy: that's the worst part. >> you know what? i got to tell you, it's not going to be as good as the movie because the lighting is horrible here too. >> you're in the middle. >> it doesn't matter. they don't know that you're not in the middle in the car. okay. >> whoa, big guy.
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>> jimmy: who is driving the car, guillermo? >> guillermo: i'm driving the car. >> no, we're in england, i shot it in england. >> i'm driving the car. >> you're driving the car. don't mess this up for me, man. this is our shot here. okay? >> all right. >> you're henry winkler, you play yourself like you did in the thing whatever, just -- better than this in the movie, trust me. okay? ready? >> jimmy: yeah. what do i do? >> read the stage direction. >> jimmy: kevin, bas and henry wing letter drive to town celebrating kevin's first mma win. >> shut up. we're driving. just drive. we're driving a car. >> who leaves applesauce on the rear dash in the hot sun? better question -- who among us who isn't amish makes their own applesauce? >> guillermo: yes, yes mistakes were made but we won. [ laughter ] [ applause ]
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>> we did. >> we won. i did that two times. >> all right, just -- >> shut up, it's my line, okay? >> i guess -- >> all right, i guess we did win. we did win. >> oh, wait, wait -- >> we won! unbelievable! it's unbelievable! woo! yeah! whoo, yeah! unbelievable! >> guillermo: that hurt, man. >> jimmy: and scene. >> thank you. >> jimmy: i think we had it. that's even better than the clip. [ cheers and applause ] "here comes the boom" opens in theaters friday. kevin james, bas rutten. we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] hi, i'm amy for downy unstopables
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mom, pop it. ♪ two inches apart, becky. two inches. t-minus nine minutes. [ ding ] [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls. let the making begin. ♪ too bad the guys aren't here we're clear. ok, swarm! swarm! hello [ female announcer ] pillsbury chocolate chip cookies. let the making begin i'd like to thank eating right, whole grain, multigrain cheerios! my bowl, my spoons!
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mom, are those my jeans? [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios has whole grain and 110 delicious calories. ...more grains. less you! multigrain cheerios in multi-grain cheerios peanut butter. >> jimmy: hi there. still to come, music from bloc party. our next guest stars in a new movie based on a very popular novel for young adults and you know how they can be. it's called "the perks of being a wallflower" and it's in theaters now. please say hello to ezra miller. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: well, it's good to have you here. i'm sorry i mispronounced your name. i bet you get that sort of thing -- >> did you go erza? >> jimmy: emzra. >> that's a new one. that's good. i like that. >> jimmy: do you know other ezras? >> um, the scribe from the bible. >> jimmy: that's about it, right? >> and the poet who went insane and became anti-semitic? >> jimmy: ezra pound? >> yeah, that's the one. ezra cornell? found cornell university. >> jimmy: oh, is that right? >> but these are all people i don't know personally. >> jimmy: i never imagined i would play a game of ezra trivia. and yet, here we are. i heard this is your first time on a talk show. >> it's true. i'm terrified right now. >> jimmy: are you really? >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: you seem very comfortable. [ cheers and applause ] >> that's reassuring. >> jimmy: where are you from?
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>> i'm from the factory filth and manicured lawns of new jersey. >> jimmy: is that right? what part of new jersey are you from? >> bergen county. yeah, what up. jersey in the house, okay. >> jimmy: do you come from a big family? >> um -- i come from a five-person family. my mother and then also my father, a classic. >> jimmy: i have those. >> those are most. >> jimmy: standards. >> and then i have two older sisters. it was a female dominated home. >> jimmy: how much older are they? >> three and eight years. i think. >> jimmy: so you really were under their power. >> oh, yeah, completely. completely. >> jimmy: yeah, so, would they make you play house? and dolls and all that? >> i was the doll. >> jimmy: you were the doll. >> i was the go-to -- that's the standard game when it was time to play. i was sort of an american girl doll. and, yeah, i -- >> jimmy: did they have special clothing for you? >> oh, yeah, no, we had entire wardrobes of women's clothing for ezra. >> jimmy: oh, is that right? >> it was most of what we did. >> jimmy: they force you to put the clothes on? >> yeah, i would get full
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hair-dos, makeup. i put on a dress. >> jimmy: how old were you? >> they would take me out and show me off. know what i mean? do a lemonade stand, me as a girl and the neighbor would come, be like, i didn't know you had three daughters. i was an attractive girl. >> jimmy: i can see that. i could see that. is that why you grew the mutton chops? just to make sure -- >> i'm fighting it now. >> jimmy: no one confuses you now? and did you sell a lot of lemonade? as a result of the three girls? >> yeah, i don't quite recall. i think it was more about showcasing their younger brother's femininity than selling the beverage. >> jimmy: you had a very interesting childhood. i found out you were an opera singer? when you were how old? >> well, i got into it when i was 6. >> jimmy: how does that happen? >> i went straight from, like, the tonka truck to opera. it was like, construction vehicles, i was obsessed and
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then this music teacher who came into my kindergarten class and was this incredibly friendly woman and she tried to get the class into opera and it failed on everybody except for me and i became obsessed. >> jimmy: what was it about opera that got you excited? >> i don't know, like, broad emotional expression. i don't know. >> jimmy: wow. that's interesting. and then you went to study, with whom? >> well, at first, so, it started out nice. i started with this woman, lynn bearman, who introduced me. and i went and i trained in her conservatory. >> jimmy: was she shocked? was she like, wow, we never had anybody interested in opera before. you are our only student ever. >> i think she valued me for that exact reason. but then i was determined to climb the ladder, even at a young age. and so i joined the metropolitan opera children's chorus. >> jimmy: they have a children's chorus? >> yeah, well it's how they -- occasionally you need a street urchin for the opera, or you need like the choir boys.
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>> jimmy: you were those? >> i was those. >> jimmy: do you sing in that way? very expressively? >> well, i had an alto soprano voice. so, once the balls started dropping, it was over. >> jimmy: new year's eve, it was over. >> you know, the woman who, for, like, 25 years, commanded the metropolitan opera children's chorus, her name is ellen, was a fascist. for lack of a better word. she was a tyrant. >> jimmy: really? over the little kids? >> yes, she had to keep the little kids in shape and make sure our harmonies were on point. she actually used to make us call her judge judy. >> jimmy: why? >> that was just, like, that was her self-image of authority. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. >> jimmy: so, would you call her judge judy? >> we would have to. it was a requirement. >> jimmy: like "good morning judge judy?" >> more like in moments of distress, so, it would be like, you know, if we were singing, a lot of opera is about the way
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you make the phonetic sounds with your mouth, you have to speak all the different languages. if we were doing something wrong, she'd single us out. she would go, ezra, go to the mirror, look at yourself and look at everything you're doing wrong. and i'd be like okay. okay who? okay ellen. okay who? okay, judge judy! and that was like -- that was what she was looking for. >> jimmy: a woman that watched a lot of daytime television, i guess. now, this book -- i'm not familiar with the book, but were you familiar with the book that they made this movie out of? >> yeah, i was. i was -- i was friends with two older people when i first came into high school when i was 14 years old and they pretty much stated that this book was required reading to be friends with them. >> jimmy: i see. >> required friendship reading. >> jimmy: so you read it? >> i read it. and, yeah, it was -- it was very -- it was -- >> jimmy: were you hoping they would make a movie out of it and you would be a part of it?
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or how did that work? >> no, i think when you value a piece of art, because i -- it was really helpful to me as a kid. it gave me like -- it's like a blueprint, or, like, a map for a young adolescent person, so, i think when you have that sort of bond with a work of art, like, when i first heard that they were making a film, i was like, no! damn you hollywood! is nothing sacred to you. >> jimmy: you didn't like it? >> no, i had that reaction. but then, of course, i was like, who would do this? who in their right mind would take this perfect book and make it into a movie? and it's the author. and it's the author. >> jimmy: oh, all right. that's good. >> and so the second i found that out, i was in. >> jimmy: wow. >> but then i had to audition. >> jimmy: then you had to audition. >> in my mind i was in. there was that unfortunate -- >> jimmy: well, that's kind of a cool thing. that's pretty rare. i always wanted to be spider-man. never really worked out for me. but i'm still keeping my
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figure -- >> you can make that happen, man. when the third reboot comes around. >> jimmy: that's right. >> i see it, some glasses and -- [ cheers and applause ] right? >> jimmy: middle-aged spider-man. very nice to meet you. congratulations. the movie is called "the perks of being a wallflower." it is in theaters now. ezra miller, everybody. we'll be right back with bloc party. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ just put a little bit of yourself ♪
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♪ in everything you do [ female announcer ] add your own ingredients to hamburger helper
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for a fresh take on a quick, delicious meal. it's one box with hundreds of possibilities. progresso. in what world do potatoes, bacon and cheese add up to 100 calories? your world. ♪ [ whispers ] real bacon... creamy cheese... 100 calories... [ chef ] ma'am [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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>> jimmy: this is their new album. it is called "four." here with the song "octopus," bloc party! ♪ ♪ ♪ it hid and it hid in his
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bedroom psycho-killer teen dream action film ♪ ♪ gonna show you how we get down in my hood bubbling bubbling cheap champagne ♪ ♪ wrecker feel no pain lying face down when i swing your way ♪ ♪ and what what's my name what's my name mary anna ♪ ♪ said it's a no-go she don't feel like she don't think so but i don't know why ♪ ♪ i feel like crying well come on come on say come on ♪ ♪ they ran and they ran from his classroom roll another 40 make them scream ♪ ♪ ♪ gonna show you how we do things in my hood tripping and a-tripping erase all tapes ♪ ♪ john wayne rob roy feel no pain because this is the point
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where you look the other way ♪ ♪ you done lost your mind mary anna said it's a no-go ♪ ♪ she don't feel like she don't think so but i don't know why i feel like crying ♪ ♪ come on say come on come on come on ♪ ♪ ♪ i said come on ♪ gonna show you something ♪ come on ♪ come on ♪ on
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♪on ♪ mary joanna ♪ say it's a no go she don't feel like she don't think so but i don't know why ♪ ♪ i feel like crying well come on come on say come on ♪ ♪ come on [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: the new album from bloc party is called "four." you can see a bonus song from them at i want to thank kevin james, i want to thank ezra miller. apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time. thanks for watching. have a good weekend. good night! [ cheers and applause ]
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>> dan: super storm sandy, swallowing and massive flooding. dangerous winds and millions without power on this very stormy night. >> i'm carolyn johnson. it made landfall in new jersey but being felt up through new england. at least five million people are spending the night in the dark. economic damages could reach up to $20 billion. subways could be crippled for a week. >> they blamed the winds on a fire that quickly spread. it sparked one building. fire crews had to use a boat on the floodwaters and scale an awning to rescue 25 people from the roof. >> in manhattan, emergency crews had to wheel patients out of a hospital. 215 patients were taken to other hospitals. >> also in manhattan, a crane remains dangling atop a condo building that is under construction. it collapsed under strong winds
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this afternoon. the street below has been closed off. despite the damage in new york, new jersey, could have it even worse. the s tonight from cape may. >> reporter: sandy made landfall in southern new jersey this evening packing 80 miles per hour miles per hour winds. record-breaking high tide and rough surf battered the coastline. roads washed away by storm surge and flooding. water poured into ground zero in new york. in walk away park queens they scrambled to rescue people in a fire raging out of control. in manhattan, more than 200 patients had to be evacuated and moved to other facilities. >> one thing we had not counted on, new york university hospital back-up power. inspied ensuring it's been tested stopped working. >> more than 3 million people


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